Monday, 14 November 2011

Questionnaire Results


My research tells me the most popular method of watching movie trailers is Youtube and cinemas. This means are movie trailer has to be published onto Youtube as part of our marketing to reach our full audience. To do this we must make sure the film rating are rate and that the Youtube audience matchs are target audience to help successfully bring awareness to the audience of our magazine. Televison advertisment is expensive and not within out budget as Youtube is a free method of reahing our audience. Therefore, we plan not to use televison advertisment as our research has shown us only 15% of people out of 100 watch movie trailers through televison advertisment. 40% of people from the 100 watch them at cinemas. This is due to them going to watch a film and the cinema play lots of different advertisment. This helps aim to a specfic audience and are movie trailer can be played when other simular films are being played. This means a set audience can watch the movie trailer and are forced to as unlike the other methods they cant change the advertisment or channel so therefore are forced to watch and absorb the trailer making it a good method. the expensive of this depends on how many times the film is played whcih can vary. However, this is still an expensive but effective method.  

This question aims to see whether are audience like to know what actor or actress is in the film as the mention of a big movie star in the trailer will boost the viewing of the movie trailer and tyhe film. Big branded names can help bring more attention to the film, yet the name of bad actors or actors or actresses that people dont like personally can put people of the film. Are research tells us that 80% of the 100 people said we should mention the names of the actors and actresses within the movie trailer. With this research we plan to highlight in are movie trailer the actors and actresses within the movie and will consider putting their bnames on the resting of the film poster and magazine front cover to boost awareness of the film. 

 This question targets what area of film genere is the most popular amoung are age range of 12+. With this questionnaire the most popular movie genre within the age range is romance and romantic/comedy. Therefre, with this knowledge we plan to target the minority and seen a gap in the market for a school romance film with a twist of comedy as 20% of the 100 still said comedy is a big part and therefore, we plan to add elements of comedy into the performance to help us reach a wider audience. In all with this knowledge from the questionnaire we plan to use romance as our movie genre and add elements of comedy into our trailer to help reach a wider minority.

With this questionnaire aimed at the best layout for a film poster the highest marks were awarded for the large image on the poster highlighting that the image on the poster is the most important feature. Therefore, they are split with no text and some text which some text got 60% of the 100 peopls vote well no text got 20% of the peoples vote meaning that some text is the most popular layout. This means that the most popular and to be most successfull layout will be the film poster with a large image and some text combining both designs. My research shows me that this is the most successful and appealing design layout to use and with this research i plan to use this design method for my film poster. 

 This question somes up the ideas of the prevouis question with the most valuable feature on a film poster. The image on the film poster on the prevouis question was highlighted as the most important feature and this question somes up the idea f the image being the most valuable assest of the film poster. Secondly, the masthead and title of the magazine front cover is also an important feature of the film poster as this is the film title and is the label of the film. This is what people use to see the film trailer or go and watch the film so therefore, this needs to be well visble on the poster. It links the poster to the film and people will recongize the film by the title and see the poster advertising the film. Thridly, the name sof the actors and actresses have to be mentioned on the film poster as a marketing aspect making the film more appealing and bringing more attention to the film poster. I know this from my research as the menitioning of actors and actressess got 15% of 100 people as the main feature meaning i will have to have this as a main feature on my film poster.


This question comes from resrach from the promotional packages. Some fo the film posters that were resrached had no colour scheme and some had a colour scheme throughout the film trailer, poster and magzine front cover. This question undermines whether this is an important factor to have and see whtehr the colour scheme should be kept throughout. My research shows me that i should have a colour scheme and taht i should keep it throughout or have a simular one throughout. This helps tie the magazien, poster and film trailer together. I realise this as a design aspect can be heard to do throguhout and offered on the questionnaire the option for a simulat colour scheme which too was a popular choice. Therefore, i do plan to keep a colour scheme throughout as my research suggests 90% of my taerget audience say that i should have a colour schem. Although, i do relise later on that this could change slightly between the film poster, magazien and movie trailer and i understand this and will accept this However, i do plan to keep to the colour scheme throguhout.


This question is aimed at the magazine front cover and what aspect should dominate the page. My research suggests that over half of the people who undertook the questinnaire suggest that the image should dominate the page making this like the film poster and the image the main focuss and feature. The masthead has also been made a main feature from my research as this is iconic to the magazine and is the same week in week out although the design and colour may change the name remains iconic to the magazine and apart of the brand. My resrach suggests this is a factor that needs to be considered but it does not dominate the front cover of the magazine as in traits of front covers they are usually overlapped by large images making them the dominate feature on the front cover which mky research also suggests.


This question is aimed at the front cover of the magazine and determines where the front cover shot should from. My research suggests that the most popular answer just is a natural shot from no filming aspects which is alos followed by the answer that the shot should be from the film. 10% of people said that it should be from an interview which is to low to consider this option. The interview shot is not iconic enought to remember and wouldntr draw much attention as know one will remeber the shot from an interview. This shot is usually done with the actor out of costume so no one might not remeber the character they made. With the research i conducted from primary questinnaires and research into promotional packages i plan to use a shot from the film with the actor and actress in a natural shot combining both views. This means the shot will be rememebered but it will not be an action shot. The actor and actress will be in costume still but be in a pose rather than an action shot. I chose to do this from my research as both ideas were very popular and if i chose one than i would lose alot of peoples views which i couldnt take the risk in doing so combined both ideas for what i think is the best solution to the problem.





With this question the audience were asked what was the most appealing magazine front cover. 60% said
C which i can only imagine was due to popularity and the colour scheme which if ound in my promotional packages research was a contributing factor. They use an action shot yet casual shot as the main image which dominates the page in C. However, the iconic logo of the magazine is used and adapted throguh the colourscheme to match the rest of the text and image to link. B uses the large image with no text but a masthead layout which got 22% of the vote. This is a powerful magazine front cover but i feel this would suit best as a film poster cover rather than a magazine as it doesnt stick to the triaits and relies alot on the bold image on the front cover. There is no information that is additinal that helps portray information that is within the magzine. A is a simple layout with an action shot with no real colour scheme that my research suggests is not a succesful magazine front cover. Through my research i have found that the most succesful magazine front cover is one with a colour scheme and a relaxed film shot. There needs to be text around the image to stick to the magazine traits as well as making the masthead iconic but fit into the the magzine colour and layout scheme by making the image dominate the front page.





With this questionnaire its aims at the film poster and the poster that the audience find most appealing. This brings into factors the image, text and mention of actors and film title. B was the most appauling and least popular film poster with lack of title and information on the poster. A was not the most popular poster just, but the most powerful in terms of iconic and original. The design sees just a large image on the front with a balck background highlighting the image with the date of publication of the film. The simple but effective image relates to their audience and straight away everyone knows what the film is and the simple design gives the date of publication making it really powerful. The face is really iconic and although covered up somes up the film in one image. This is really powerfull and for me if we were making a film already released and established in the market the perfect design for a film magzine layout. However, as this is out first film we have to look at the success of the the Limitless C film poster. This too is a new film and uses the iconic actors images on the front to help boost attention. The colourfull layout helps make the poster noticed and the large title across the poster indicated to the audience the name of film which is important to new films tobecome established. The image dominates the page and highlighted to with a white outline to help break the image away from the busy, colourful background with the tile pasted across the poster. The main actors name are published on the top of the poster to help boost attentin to the film as well as the image. This is a sucessfull poster according to my research and is an iconic irst film poster. It sticks to film poster traits and highlights the right importasnt features that are needed to and un like A doesnt go against the traits of the film poster and isnt a unique which is the best and safest option for a first time film 

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