Saturday, 19 November 2011

Meeting 2

The Agenda: Deciding genre and audience

Members present: Beth, Lewis and Ciara

Items discussed;
Discuss story line, poster layout, magazine cover designs and film title
We have decided to change our idea from a thriller, action style to a romance genre.This came from the influence from are research and equipment/budget avaliable to us. We had to be realistic of what we could achieve.
Our storyline starts of with a young boy and girl as childhood sweethearts. We then will show the two young children sharing a photo with one another and then them as a older couple in upper school. We then plan to show them has she has to leave packing her car away. Then how they meet at university and re-united but she has a new boy friend and is torn between the two. We plan to show the re-united lovers arguing but how they come back together and she has to make a choice between a childhood sweetheart or a new lover.
This is are planned storyline with the possibilitiy to tweak certain scenes during filming if we feel it doesnt suit the characters or scene. We may add another scene of her breaking the news to him that she has to leave but we feel this may add more lenth to the trailer.

We have come up with a film name "The way we were" linking the two childhood sweethearts to their past and how you can never always let go of your past.

We have some proposed layouts for the poster and magazine cover hoping to keep with magazine front cover and poster traits and conventions. But nothing has been confirmed just yet.

All promtional packages research has been completed with conclusion helping us decide and influence are magzine, poster and film trailer first drafts with the research we have discovered.

Proposed items for next meeting: Storyboards for the movie trailer

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