I asked 5 people of mixed gender 3 girls and 2 boys a series of five questions and got there responses to these questions. I chose five as this was the maximuim number avaliable which is the downside to this form of primary research, yet chose to use a mixed gender as we will be aiming are film package at both genders and need to research both geneders. Are age range is 15+ due to our film being published a 15 plus it would be pointless and inaccurate to retrieve data of people who are not in are target market group. The group is of a mix of age of 16, 17 and 18 year olds which will be are target market age going slightly higher but again the practicality of the task we could only have this number of people as this age range was the only range we could find.
1 and 2 are boys and 3 4 and 5 are the girls in the group. 1 and 2 are aged 16, 3 and 4 are 17 and 5 is aged 18.
1. What is your favourite film genre?
Romance () Comedy () Romantic/comedy () Sci-Fi () Thriller () Action () Horror ()
Other ()
1. Romantic/comedy because i like the stroylines of Rom/coms yet i like the funny edge they have.
2.Action as it always keeps me on the edge of my seat.
3.Sci-Fi, i love things that are out of this world and wacky.
4. Romantic films i love. The story lines are the best especially the ones that make you cry.
5. Romance
2. What area of marketing would you say is the most important and that makes you most want to watch a film?
Film poster () Film Magazine front cover () Film Trailer ()
1. Definatly Film trailer, although i read a lot of film magzines.
2. Ive seen some awesome posters that draw me to a film but i would have to say that a film trailer is what the film is going to be like so i would say the film trailer is the most important one. I watch them all the time before i watch a film yet i might not catch a film magazine front cover or the poster.
3. Trailers as sometime the poster can look good but its the trailer where you decide whether to see the film or not.
4. I read a lot of magazines espically film magazines and i wouldnt watch trailers in less their on at the cinema. I would say magazine cover.
3. Out of the three movie trailer put them in order of best to worst?
1. CAB I like the power A has but find it too basic well C makes you really think.
2. ACB I really like the basic A poster. It simple you get it although in C you can see whos playing and therefore get attracted to see that actor more.3. CAB the colour scheme is good, nice and clear text and large image. You know whats going on staright away and are drawn to that.
4. CAB the mention and image of the famous actors help bring more attraction to poster C. Poster A is good and basic but lacks the finishing touches well B is dreadfull text and image that doesnt draw me in.
5. CAB i like C
4. Put these film posters in order again from best to worst with thoughts?
1. BAC i love B as it has adapted is film title to the film with the typical factors of magazine like the verlapping of the masthaed. Nice clear image with big text of the film title across the middle.
2. A is good and powerful yet the lack of text around the magazine makes it look bland and like there is nothink in the magazine but the image.
3. BAC C id dreadful and doesnt look profesional with an image with to many people on which can be a mistake to do. They have a colour scheme but lack the smal details of a profesional look. Well B is just great really draws you to want the magazine and A although powerful is very basic.
4. I like the concept of A with a basic layout an image and masthead which makes you really intreged to see the next pages, yet doesnt comply with traidtional magazine traits.
5. BAC i really like B
5. Finally, could you place these trailers in order from best to worst with thoughts?
A. Freinds with Benfits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34xfcoRceeU
B. Law abiding citzen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX6kVRsdXW4
1. CAB Avatar just draws you in through your natural emotions and makes you beleieve your there
2. ACB Yes C is good but A is so simple and explains the film to you in 2 mins and doesnt give much of the story away like C does.
3. ABC A and B have good use of camera angles that invite you in through them. C reviles alot of the storyline.
4. ACB A is so easily understandble a child would understand. C is a bit complax and reveiles a lot of the storyline well B draws you in through antisapation.
5. BAC i really like B as it draws me in too.
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