Wednesday, 21 December 2011

1st Draft Film Trailer


The way we were first draft from Bethany Reilly on Vimeo.


The first trailer above was filmed on normal recording cameras and on to a tape. We used windows movie maker as our starting point to develop and edit the clip. We started the clip of with the couple walking into the sun set and applied the affect of slow motion to help the audience capture the moment and relate to convnentional aspects of the romance genere. Between the shots there are no transitions which in later drafts will have to be inserted and watched to make sure they are correct.

However, with this first draft we feel the mise en scene through costume is perfect and we plan to keep this student look throughout the production of the film to help appeal and relate to our target audience. We will look at other aspects of mise en scene like the location as we feel this was hard to film with the surrounding background noises within this use of editing equipment but futere drafts on more advanced software will make this look more professional.

The background sound on this software is very hard to edit out and therefore background noise can be heard a lot of the time in the trailer as well as in the slow motion  scenes when the noise is slowed down as well. This makes the film trailer look very unprofessional but, in future drafts will be edited out or made quiter to sound more professional.

the shot types we used were basic but we felt worked well within the scene. From our resrach we felt that these basic scenes applied with some fancy tarnistions work the best. We therefore, will be using the same or simular shot types to the one sused in this frist draft for our final draft.

In this draft there is no use of backing music or highlighted any sound that needs to be herad. This makes the trailer seem boring and gives it no energy. Almost every traile rin the world uses music in some many different to highlight or hide, speed up or slow down shots and much more. In the futute draft we will be introducing music into the trailer in many different ways to highlight different aspects and points.

In this first draft the film trailer is missing the added extras of the viewing audience, billing block and the companies logo at the start of the trailer. These added extras taht are edited onto the clip help make the trailer feel more professional and realistic to be seen in the cinemas. This is noticed a lot in this trailer and these added extras are the fundamental aspects to a successful film trailer.

Concluding the first draft of our trailer, this was successful and gave us the chance to try out the basic equipment for filming, sound and editing the trailer. It has given us the fundamental aspects to making a film trailer of which we can only more forward. We plan on using some of the basic aspects used in this trailer like the simple shot types and use of editing tools and feel improvement in making the trailer professional through editing, filming and producing the right digetic and non digetic sound.

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